This Beer Mug By NPW-USA Is Slanted For Better Television Viewing

Posted by WOOOW AWESOME STUFF Monday, February 4, 2019 0 komentar
This Beer Mug By NPW-USA Is Slanted For Better Television Viewing

This Beer Mug By NPW-USA Is Slanted For Better Television Viewing. I think, beer and television are "Extraordinary Pleasure", on your day off ........ but do you know, your view will be blocked for a few seconds when you sip your beer??? and of course you will lose some important scenes on TV shows ......... Well, "someone who have a lot of time" trying to solve this problem and the result is this beer glass. This "stuff", i mean this beer glass is slanted in one onside as to not block your vision while you are drinking from it.

........... With this unique beer glass you don't need to be afraid anymore, i mean you don't need to delay drinking your beer because the sloped edge of this "stuff" gives you "AWESOME Viewing Power" so "it's impossible" missing something important on your favorite TV program, like Sports TV program maybe .......... YEAHH, I'm sure you "won't" miss a football match on TV, on your day off.

......... Perfect as a gift for beer drinkers, or sports loving Dads, this "stuff", i mean this glass or The Better TV Viewing Beer Mug is made from plastic, will hold approximately 1 pint of beer, and measures 6.54 inches tall x 3.54 inches in diameter.

NPW-USA Better TV Viewing Slanted Beer Mug

NPW-USA Better TV Viewing Slanted Beer Mug

This Beer Mug By NPW-USA Is Slanted For Better Television Viewing

Product details, the NPW-USA Better TV Viewing Slanted Beer Mug

  • Uniquely designed beer mug so you never have to miss an inch of TV again
  • Mug measures approximately 5.9 inches wide x 6.54 inches tall x 3.54 inches in diameter
  • Sloped edge at rim of mug makes for a pleasurable and unobstructed viewing experience
  • Plastic mug holds 1 pint of your favorite brew
  • Entertain friends with hilarious NPW gifts and gadgets that will crack them up 
  • The sloped edge of this Beer Mug gives you "AWESOME Viewing Power" so you never have to miss an inch of TV again. 
  • This is an information about MOST HELPFUL CUSTOMER REVIEW                           
  • The TV Beer Mug By NPW-USA is AVAILABLE NOW, CLICK THE PICTURE BELOW for more details ...       
NPW-USA Better TV Viewing Slanted Beer Mug

Title: This Beer Mug By NPW-USA Is Slanted For Better Television Viewing
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