Memory Foam Wallet, Carry What You Want in Comfort

Posted by WOOOW AWESOME STUFF Tuesday, December 6, 2016 0 komentar
Memory Foam Wallet, Carry What You Want in Comfort

Memory Foam Wallet, Carry What You Want in Comfort. Think about all the wallets you have owned before. Some are too big & bulky, some are too small & wimpy. This new collection of crowdfunded memory foam wallets solves all those problems. Perfectly conforming to any pocket, you can now carry more than ever, while saving space and looking stylish. Memory foam was originally designed by NASA to give astronauts something comfortable to sit on during launch. It is now used to make mattresses & pillows. So why not other things we frequently handle, store and sit on? The Memory Foam Wallet compresses to 1/8 of an inch thick when sat on or slipped into any tight compartment, making it one of the thinnest bi folds on the market. With the capacity to handle up to 14 cards and 20 bills, it is functional, sleek, and fits perfectly anywhere.

Memory Foam Wallet, Carry What You Want in Comfort

Memory Foam Wallet, Carry What You Want in Comfort

Memory Foam Wallet, Carry What You Want in Comfort

Product details, the Memory Foam Wallet

  • memory foam, spandex
  • The Worlds Original Memory Foam Wallet.
  • 6 Credit Card Compartments (Two Outside, Four Inside, Can Hold Two Cards Each)
  • Open Cell Visco-Elastic Memory Foam With Spandex Covering
  • 1/4 inch Foam Compresses To 1/8 inch Thick
  • Machine Wahsable 
  • This is an information about MOST HELPFUL CUSTOMER REVIEW          
  • CLICK THE PICTURE BELOW (Memory Foam Wallet) for more details ... 

Memory Foam Wallet, Carry What You Want in Comfort

Title: Memory Foam Wallet, Carry What You Want in Comfort
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