SEGA Genesis Mega Drive Mini 16-BIT

Posted by WOOOW AWESOME STUFF Thursday, April 4, 2019 0 komentar
SEGA Genesis Mega Drive Mini 16-BIT

SEGA Genesis Mega Drive Mini 16-BIT ........ Do you still have space in your heart for retro games??? Well let's take a look this "stuff" ....... In principle this "stuff" is the same as Nintendo and Super Nintendo in portable, i mean mini version which has a lot pre-loaded games on it, and this "stuff" or The SEGA Genesis Mini does the same thing .........

The SEGA Genesis Mini is set to release on September 19, 2019, in time for indoor weather and the holiday season.

This "stuff" or The SEGA Genesis Mini or The SEGA Mini will come with of course 1 Sega mini console, 2 wired controller pads, a USB power adapter, an HDMI cord, a power cable and Includes 40 legendary games (preloaded with 40 games) ............... plug & play ready out of the box. The console will measures around 10.6 x 7 x 2.9 inches and weight about 2 lbs ............ For whatever reason (what reason??? don't ask me because I don't know), Sega is announcing the included games in "four waves of 10," the first of which is, Ecco the Dolphin, Castlevania Bloodlines (Genesis)/The New Generation (Mega Drive), Space Harrier 2, Shining Force, Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, Toe Jam & Earl, Comix Zone, Sonic the Hedgehog, Altered Beast, Gunstar Heroes.

SEGA Genesis Mini, Sega Classic Console With 40 preloaded games

SEGA Genesis Mega Drive Mini 16-BIT

SEGA Genesis Mini, Sega Classic Console With 40 preloaded games

Product details, the SEGA Genesis Mini 16-BIT

  • The iconic SEGA Genesis console that defined a generation of gaming returns in a slick, miniaturized unit.
  • The SEGA Genesis Mini console is loaded with 40 legendary games and is plug and play ready right out of the box!
  • Games will be announced in four waves of 10 games. 
  • This item will be released on September 19, 2019, CLICK THE PICTURE BELOW for more details ...   

SEGA Genesis Mini, Sega Classic Console With 40 preloaded games

Title: SEGA Genesis Mega Drive Mini 16-BIT
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