Star Wars BB-9E And New R2-D2 Droid Toys By Sphero

Posted by WOOOW AWESOME STUFF Wednesday, September 6, 2017 0 komentar
Star Wars BB-9E, BB-8, R2-D2 Droid Toys By Sphero

Star Wars BB-9E And New R2-D2 Droid Toys By Sphero. Sphero has announced 2 new Star Wars droid toys for Force Friday II, with Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi character BB-9E and old favorite R2-D2 likely to be hot new toys in 2017. Sphero’s new offerings will follow in the footsteps of the hugely successful BB-8 (Ultimate Lightning McQueen and Spiderman, others product), with the dark counterpart BB-9E and R2-D2 arriving in plenty of time to make people’s Christmas wish lists.

Starting - quite rightly - The Sphero R2-D2 is a detailed recreation of the longtime fan favorite ... pffft shut up C3-PO, with detailing that can probably match a good load of collectible figures out there. Unlike those collectibles, this one comes with 4 motors that allow it to move like the astromech droid from the movies, turning its head to make expressive gestures, driving around the room using its wheeled feet, and even waddling in place with its front leg retracted. Simply put, this thing can move like the Artoo you know and love ...........

Star Wars New R2-D2 Droid Toys By Sphero

As with many of Sphero’s other toys, the robot is designed to be drivable when paired with the companion app, allowing you to pilot it around the house for whatever joy it brings your way. Of course, you can have it run around with BB-8 and any of Sphero’s other RC robots, so you can have a veritable robot party invading every part of your home.

Unlike BB-8, the Sphero R2-D2 comes with an integrated speakers, allowing it to produce bleeping and blooping sounds right from the droid itself, instead of having it come out of whatever device the app is running on. Of course, the robot’s dome head is filled with actual blinking lights and glowing panels, rather than just being painted ornamentation, ensuring it faithfully mirrors its movie counterpart.

Star Wars New R2-D2 Droid Toys By Sphero

Star Wars New R2-D2 Droid Toys By Sphero

From the app, you can trigger pre-programmed animations, including the aforementioned waddling in position, turning its head like its thinking, or falling over helplessly for no reason whatsoever. You can also draw routes instead of driving him using the joystick, so you can have it running in circles around the dining room table while the puppy chases it till the end of time, HAHAHAHAHA ... at least, until the battery runs out, which should happen after a full hour of play. The robot, by the way, comes in the same scale as BB-8, so it stands just under seven inches tall.

Next up, is the BB-9E, a new character on the side of the First Order - described as a ‘rolling menace’. Like R2, this will respond to the app and each other and this droid features nifty lights from within the body and from the head.

Star Wars BB-9E Droid Toys By Sphero

Another benefit of the new droids is a peripheral that allows them to sit in a cradle and roll on the spot, allowing you to explore new AR ships without crashing into walls. Yeaa ... the BB-9E "new evil version" of BB-8 Sphero will be available that includes this special cradle or 'trainer'.

Star Wars BB-9E Droid Toys By Sphero


R2-D2 App-Enabled Droid   Sp hero BB-9E App-Enabled Droid with Trainer

Title: Star Wars BB-9E And New R2-D2 Droid Toys By Sphero
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