EcoQubeC Aquarium, Desktop Betta Fish Tank For Office Decoration And Home Decoration

Posted by WOOOW AWESOME STUFF Monday, December 19, 2016 0 komentar
EcoQubeC Aquarium, Desktop Betta Fish Tank For Office Decoration And Home Decoration

EcoQubeC Aquarium, Desktop Betta Fish Tank For Office Decoration And Home Decoration. The EcoQubeC Aquarium is for all the kiddies, friends, girlfriends, fathers and mothers on your gift list this year who are enthusiastic ... with fish. The desktop Betta fish tank does accommodate a single live fish, which will need to be fed and loved and sung to sleep everyday, every night but thanks to an integrated aquaponics system on top, EcoQubeC owners will not have to clean out the tank and change its water ... AWESOME!!!

In a beauteous display of symbiosis, the EcoQubeC uses a basil plant as its aquaponics filter. This means it takes care of purifying the aquarium water, absorbing the betta's sloughed scales and long poos, all by itself. All you need to do is feed your best friend three to six times per week & add a fresh water top off once or twice a month. The EcoQubeC tank is made of flame-polished acrylic and includes a filter and remote controlled 6mm LED lighting, AWESOME as a gift for Pet Lovers ...!!!

EcoQubeC Aquarium, Desktop Betta Fish Tank For Office Decoration And Home Decoration

EcoQubeC Aquarium, Desktop Betta Fish Tank For Office Decoration And Home Decoration

EcoQubeC Aquarium, Desktop Betta Fish Tank For Living Office And Home Decoration

EcoQubeC Aquarium, Desktop Betta Fish Tank For Office Decoration And Home Decoration

EcoQubeC Aquarium, Desktop Betta Fish Tank For Office Decoration And Home Decoration

EcoQubeC Aquarium, Desktop Betta Fish Tank For Office Decoration And Home Decoration

EcoQubeC Aquarium, Desktop Betta Fish Tank For Office Decoration And Home Decoration

Product details, the EcoQubeC Aquarium, Desktop Betta Fish Tank For Living Office And Home Decoration 

  • Low maintenance ecosystem- aquaponics filter absorb all the betta fish waste
  • Easy setup- acrylic aquarium starter kit comes with integrated proprietary filter, 6mm LED lights
  • Aquarium starter kit includes- integrated aquaponics filter, stunning aquarium, remote control light
  • Highest rated aquarium on amazon- hand made quality, visually stunning living decor for any room 
  • This is an information about MOST HELPFUL CUSTOMER REVIEW             
  • CLICK THE PICTURE BELOW (EcoQubeC Aquarium, Desktop Betta Fish Tank For Office Decoration And Home Decoration) for more details ...  

EcoQubeC Aquarium, Desktop Betta Fish Tank For Office Decoration And Home Decoration

Title: EcoQubeC Aquarium, Desktop Betta Fish Tank For Office Decoration And Home Decoration
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