Plug Coffee Mug, Anti-Theft Mug, Help You To Prevent Office Thieves From Stealing Your Mug
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Plug Coffee Mug, Anti-Theft Mug, Help You To Prevent Office Thieves From Stealing Your Mug. Are you going mad, i mean angry when you did not find your coffee mug in the cabinet in your office, or you found it sitting dirty in the sink like it's been used and abused ??? Please don't ........ because this mug called The Plug Mug will help you to prevent people from stealing your mug or to punish those that attempt to do so ...........
The plug mug is a coffee mug that has a detachable plug on the side of it so that you can keep in a safe spot so that others will not use your mug. If someone were to try to use the plug mug without your permission, the mug will simply leak all the liquid out of the hole on the side of it. Once you decide to use your mug, simply plug the side of it up with the rubber plug, and start consuming hot liquids.

This mug is made from ceramic, contains a large warning exclamation point on the front as well as a stop sign on the back of it to further deter mug thieves. The plug has a key-ring on it to easily attach to your keys so that it's always with you, and the mug is dishwasher safe, and measures 4.5 inches tall.

Product details, the Plug Coffee Mug, Anti-Theft Mug
- Keep the plug key ring secure and no one else can use your mug
- World's first mug with a hole and plug in it
- This is an information about MOST HELPFUL CUSTOMER REVIEW
- The Plug Mug is AVAILABLE NOW, CLICK THE PICTURE BELOW for more details ...
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Title: Plug Coffee Mug, Anti-Theft Mug, Help You To Prevent Office Thieves From Stealing Your Mug
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