The Champagne Gun, Super AWESOME Party Weapon

Posted by WOOOW AWESOME STUFF Saturday, March 4, 2017 0 komentar
The Champagne Gun, Super AWESOME Party Weapon

The Champagne Gun, Super AWESOME Party Weapon. This AWESOME champagne gun is a gun that shoots champagne which is also to be used ... maybe only by the filthy rich. Spraying a freshly opened bottle of champagne on someone is a time honored tradition for birthday celebrations, or just at a party by the pool, but who wants to hold the bottle with their bare hands? This gun holds onto the bottle in perfect form for shooting the bubbly liquid into the faces or eyes of your friends and foes. How use it? simply insert a bottle of champagne, shake it up, and pull the trigger.

This AWESOME Party Weapon works with only magnum sized champagne bottles of any cost, so in reality you do not need to be filthy rich to use the gun, but it is recommended. Not only great for using as a super-soaker, the champagne gun can also be used with a service spout, a diffuser, and a support base so that you can pour the champagne into glasses to actually drink instead of spraying into each others faces like "Ape Man or Neanderthals" ... And the included base allows you to set it down properly on its end.

The champagne gun comes in 3 different colors to choose from, including gold, chrome & rose gold, and is made from a metal structure with a plastic shell along with a high-quality metal finish. The gun comes included with 1 service spout, 1 diffuser, and 1 support base, weighs 5 lbs without a bottle inside of it, and measures 24.2 inches long x 8.2 inches long x 5.4 inches deep.

The Champagne Gun, Super AWESOME Party Weapon

The Champagne Gun, Super AWESOME Party Weapon

The Champagne Gun, Super AWESOME Party Weapon

Champagne gun

Champagne gun

The Champagne Gun, Super AWESOME Party Weapon

The Champagne Gun, Super AWESOME Party Weapon

The Champagne Gun, Super AWESOME Party Weapon

Product details, the Champagne Gun

  • Shoot champagne up to 23 feet for 45 seconds
  • Original and unique way to serve champagne
  • Beautiful decoration to display any champagne bottle
  • Works with champagne magnum (1.5L) 
  • This is party weapon, uses a bottle of Champagne as “ammo” ... Completely harmless, can be reloaded with any Champagne Brand’s Magnum bottle and can work either with a service spout or a diffuser.
  • This is an information about MOST HELPFUL CUSTOMER REVIEW          
  • The Champagne Gun is AVAILABLE NOW, CLICK THE PICTURE BELOW for more details ...  

The Champagne Gun, Super AWESOME Party Weapon

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