Inflatable Jetpack Costume, Your Legs Hidden In The Flames, Tiny Legs In The Front

Posted by WOOOW AWESOME STUFF Thursday, October 15, 2020 0 komentar
Inflatable Jetpack costume, Your Legs Hidden In The Flames, Tiny Legs In The Front ....... People around you will smile, even laugh out loud when they see you wearing this costume, why? because this costume put on the illusion that you have tiny little legs and are being held up by something different, i mean look like you're strapped to a real flaming jetpack, HAHAHAHAHAHA ............. So, what's...


3D Titanium Thor Mijonir Marvel Avengers Keyboard KeyCap Is AWESOME As A Gift For A Geek

Posted by WOOOW AWESOME STUFF Saturday, July 25, 2020 0 komentar
3D Titanium Thor Mijonir Marvel Avengers Keyboard KeyCap Is AWESOME As A Gift For A Geek ........ When THE GREAT THOR get angry, and "whack something" with his Mjolnir, my document it will print! HAHAHA!!! Well, This 3D Thor's Hammer keyboard keycap is made of titanium and aluminum alloy, and backlit through the cracks of Mjolnir's crushing contact with the surface. ........ If you want to add...


KOOL BREEZE SOLAR HAT Is A Solar Powered Fan Straw Hat That Has A Fan That Blows Fresh Air Inside The Hat

Posted by WOOOW AWESOME STUFF Friday, July 17, 2020 0 komentar
KOOL BREEZE SOLAR HAT Is A Solar Powered Fan Straw Hat That Has A Fan That Blows Fresh Air Inside The Hat. When working outside, does your head always sweat when you wear your hat??? I think, this "AWESOME" new invention is the solution. It's a solar powered straw hat that has an integrated fan that blows fresh air inside the hat. This way you will have shade over your neck and face, all while...


Baseball Bat Decanter, This Stuff Is Perfect As A Gift For Baseball Fans

Posted by WOOOW AWESOME STUFF Saturday, February 8, 2020 0 komentar
Baseball Bat Decanter, This Stuff Is Perfect As A Gift For Baseball Fans ....... Are you a baseball fan and also "falling in love" with whiskey??? If the answer is YESSSS, i will show you something, i mean this "stuff". Well, this "stuff" is The Baseball Bat Whiskey Decanter, is a whiskey decanter that's shaped just like a baseball bat, except it's completely transparent barring the elegant wooden...


Block Lamp By Stockholm Design House Is A Frozen Light Bulb In An Ice Cube, Used As A Desk Lamp

Posted by WOOOW AWESOME STUFF Friday, January 24, 2020 0 komentar
Block Lamp By Stockholm Design House Is A Frozen Light Bulb In An Ice Cube, Used As A Desk Lamp ........... Light up your girlfriend's heart on Valentine's Day this year by using this "stuff", i mean this Block Lamp. WHY??? because it's unique (i think) ................ Well, HERE'S THE EXPLANATION ABOUT THIS PRODUCT, this unique lamp is a desktop illumination design that uses the thought-provoking...


Unlike Transformer Robots, The Robosen T9 Can Transforms From Vehicle To Robot All By Itself

Posted by WOOOW AWESOME STUFF Monday, January 20, 2020 0 komentar
Unlike Transformer Robots, The Robosen T9 Can Transforms From Vehicle To Robot All By Itself ......... This stuff, i mean this toy, looks like a Transformer knockoff from the 2000s ...... but the unique part of this toy is, it can change/transform from vehicle to robot and back all on its own, making it a whole lot more "FUN" than even most licensed Transformer robots that has ever existed, i think....


L8star Mini Small Mobile Cell Phone Bluetooth Dialer Headset Earphone, Support SIMCard, Screen Size 0.66 Inch

Posted by WOOOW AWESOME STUFF Thursday, January 9, 2020 0 komentar
L8star Mini Small Mobile Cell Phone Bluetooth Dialer Headset Earphone, Support SIMCard, Screen Size 0.66 Inch .......... The "AWESOME" Things about these "stuff" are, by the way these "stuff" is a cellphone, i mean a really tiny cellphone that called The L8star mini cellphone AND Bluetooth headset. Well, let me continue, The wonderful things, The great things, The Amazing things about this cellphone...


TOWNEW Trash Can With Infrared Motion Sensor, This Kitchen Trash Can Can Seals And Changes The Trash Bag For You

Posted by WOOOW AWESOME STUFF Tuesday, January 7, 2020 0 komentar
TOWNEW Trash Can With Infrared Motion Sensor, This Kitchen Trash Can Can Seals And Changes The Trash Bag For You .............. Do you always feel disgusted (... and of course you must hold your breath) to tie or to change your garbage bags when it's full??? "Your heart" will says, why me??? i really hate being near garbage bags because of the flies, EWWWWWWWW ........... Well, the answer/the solution...

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